Six Keys to Effective Family Devotion Time
Very few families have regular times of worshiping God in their homes. But if you desire peace, harmony, and the favor of God in your home, family worship is an absolute must. Here’s some helpful keys if you’re wanting to get started, or if your devotion time needs a fresh restart.
1—Unity: Family devotion time brings the whole family together. Announce it ahead of time, then stop everything, and everyone gather together to worship God.
2—Accountability: Gathering for a few moments reminds everyone that we are accountable to God for what happens in our home. This is a great time to check the spiritual temperature of your children. The father should be the one to lead the family worship time. You can’t expect your children to love God if you don’t.
3—Variety: Don’t get stuck always doing the same thing. Share praises, sing together, share prayer requests, read the Bible, quote a verse together, or memorize a Psalm. Be consistent, but don’t make it mechanical. Enjoy it, don’t endure it!
4—Simplicity: Share a simple lesson from the day, a specific answer to prayer, or ask some Bible trivia questions. The Bible is not boring!
5—Brevity: This is not a time for a college lecture or a sermon. It may not be long but children should be taught to sit respectfully and listen to the Bible and pray. Keep the length appropriate to the age of your children.
6—Consistency: Do it daily in a part of the day that works best for your family’s schedule. Kids should learn to count on family devotion time. There will always be distractions to overcome, but try to anticipate and eliminate them in advance. Consistency is the key to having effective times of worshipping God as a family.